
From the far northern reaches of the world, a small community of Seawolves yet live in the distant climes of the Northern Empty.Abarklyng Zoergeissyn (Lone Brook, son of Sour Ghost) spent his youth in such harsh environs, only son to a loving family at the time of his departure.Though large and powerfully built, the young Roegadyn was self-conscious of his size and learned at an early age to be careful around those of smaller stature than himself. He developed a habit of putting on a brave face and assuring others he would protect them in times of uncertainty or fear, finding many put at ease when reassured by the large young man.Despite happiness at home in a difficult land, Abarklyng chose to follow in the footsteps of those who came before him, seeking his way out in the grander world shortly before reaching adulthood. For their part, his parents had their concerns about sending their only son so far from home, but provided the young man with a boat, provisions, and navigation as he and a few of his peers set out to make their way in an unfamiliar world.Normal life in the outer realms did not sit particularly well with him. While others found their trades as fishmongers, merchants, sellswords, and other such careers, Abarklyng's anxious nature and size caused him a great deal of trouble seeking to fit in amongst many smaller races than he'd ever known before.Just as he'd considered giving up and returning to familiar territory, he encountered a recruiting effort to explore a mysterious island that suddenly appeared in the Glass Ocean. It was said to be a wild and dangerous place, in need of stout adventurers to explore and discover the nature of the island called Eureka.Although with some trepidation, Abarklyng ultimately decided to join the expedition and see what this island had to offer.
Eureka proved to be a challenge as full of wonderment as it was danger. In spite of himself, Abarklyng found that his size and strength served him well, and his habit of putting on a brave face for those smaller than him gave him a reputation amongst the expedition of being a capable and confident adventurer.This ultimately led an Abalathian warrior named Laughing Skull to take an interest in Abarklyng, finding him capable of channeling and taming his own inner beast to bring out even greater power in the young man.A stern and stoic instructor, Laughing Skull directed Abarklyng and another trainee, Sukhbataar in the ways of the Warrior. Before long, the trio had gained a reputation amongst the expedition, mighty warriors and monster slayers. In time and through discovery into the nature of Eureka, the three came to be known as the Sons of Odin, and Abarklyng came to think of them as his own family, and closest friends.Although Eureka provided great challenge and fertile lands in which to hone one's skills with the axe, the investigation into the lands eventually cooled. With many mysteries solved and the imminent danger past, the Sons of Odin set off in search of another fight.Little did they know, their journey would not be long, as the trio wound up in Bozja fighting Garlean warmachina for the Resistance. They saw a people fearlessly facing overwhelming odds, and lent their strength to the cause, fighting ferociously to attain the liberation of those who would oppose the Empire.Unfortunately, over the course of the war, Sukhbataar found himself injured in a conflict with magitek, causing him to require the dedicated attention of a chirurgeon. For this reason, Abarklyng took his axe brother to Ul'dah, working to pay for his treatments even if he may never fight again.

(How to pronounce Abarklyng Zoergeissyn)
• Although he was by no means present on every ilm of Eureka, the band of warriors known as the Sons of Odin may be familiar to some explorers there, and some may remember a hulking red-headed Roegadyn telling them "Don't worry, I'll protect you."• Likewise, the Sons of Odin continued to be active in the Bozjan conflict until its reclamation, with Abarklyng taking time to return to the battlefield several times to provide his axe to the cause.• A large, heavily muscled Seawolf may stand out somewhat in Ul'dah. Frequenters of the Coliseum may even find his build similar to that of a stoic and silent masked fighter who participates in an unarmed fighting league filled with high drama and showmanship.• Practicing or trained Warriors may well recognize another trained in the use of the Inner Beast, if not a familiar fighting style when bearing his axe.• Those that frequent the Scholars' Walk in Ul'dah may catch sight of him from time to time, as he often escorts his axe brother to and from treatment, and makes certain the payment is covered. Although it is by no means a daily occurrence, he is not above paying a visit to the childrens' ward, bringing them treats and donating a bit of time to try and cheer them up.

Hail, gods of war!((The player would like to apologize for having to type this name to view a carrd))

Abarklyng art by squggly_lines on Instagram.